Kalypso Nicolaidis and Ulrike Liebert: Demoicratic Theory: bridging positive, critical and normative approaches to European studies (2023) PDF
Ulrike Liebert: Divergent narratives. The unfinished adventure of European unification, in EUROZINE online magazine (2019). LINK
Staatenverein oder demokratische Bürgerunion? Die Katalonien-Krise als Testfall für die Zukunft Europas, in: “Zukunft der Demokratie”, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 2018 no 1-2. PDF
Ulrike Liebert: The governance of gender equality: issues and tools for stakeholder mobilisation and participation, in „Visions for Gender Equality“, eds. F. Bettio, S. Sansonetti. European Commission /Justice and Consumers, Brussels (2016) PDF
Wertekompass für die Erneuerung Europas. Weser-Kurier 2019/4
TINA‘ revisited: Why alternative narratives of the Eurozone crisis matter, in „After the Financial Crisis. Shifting Legal, Economic and Political Paradigms“, eds. P. Iglesias-Rodriguez, A. Triandafyllidou, Ruby Gropas. Palgrave 2016. PDF
Hat die marktwirtschaftliche Demokratie im 21. Jh. noch eine Chance? Die Europäische Währungsunion in der Finanzkrise, in „ Demokratie in der Krise. Analysen, Prozesse und Perspektiven “, eds. D. Brühlmeier, P. Mastronardi. Chronos, Zürich 2016. PDF
Bringing the EU closer to the citizens by democratic modes of European governance, in „Europa, Políticas Públicas y Governanza. En Recuerdo de Francesc Morata“ eds. C. Cancela Outeda, A. Durà Guimerà, A. Noferini. Andavira editora, Santiago de Compostela 2016. PDF
Gendering Europeanisation: Making Equality Work in Theory and Practice, in „Gendering European Integration Theory“, eds. G. Abels, H. MacRae. Barbara Budrich Publishers 2016. PDF
Reconciling democratic sovereignty with economic and monetary integration: T-Dem in Dialogue with the German Constitutional Court, in How to Democratize Europe. eds. S. Hennette, T. Piketty, G. Sacriste, A. Vauchez. Harvard University Press, 2019. PDF
Crumbling or coping? European citizenship in (the) crisis, in The Euro crisis and the state of European democracy: contributions from the 2012 EUDO dissemination conference (eBook), eds B. De Witte, A. Héritier, A. Trechsel. European University Institute 2013. PDF
…..for more see ulrike liebert on researchgate.net